Budget Cockpits for Sim Racing. How to choose? Which is great?
Finding the BEST COCKPIT Already bought a new sim racing wheel set right? Your cost doesn't stop there if you are really into sim racing. Cockpits are the second important part of sim racing. They have very few types, but the problem is what is right for you. What is the best cockpit for your needs? Let's find out below! source: Techinfluencer What is Sim Racing COCKPIT ? Sim Racing COCKPIT is the whole seating and mounting place for the wheel and their peripherals. It includes the seat, wheel mount stand, gear mount stand, handbrake mount stand, screen mount stand and other extras. The availabilities of mountings depend on types of cockpits and prices. source: Next Level Racing Types of Sim Racing COCKPIT and Differences There are mainly 2 types of cockpits available for car sim racing. Both have their own perks and range of availabilities. You check them out below. Full cockpit Full sim racing cockpits are the ones with full cap...