Gaming Wheel VS Joystick. Which is better and Why?

Why Gaming Wheels?

    Have you ever wondered about the gaming wheels? What's so important about them? Whey are they highly demanded? What's their purpose? Well, let's find out about it.

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    Before we start about gaming wheel's importance, let's look at the background of racing games first. Now, I'm not going to bore you by giving specific years and numbers, but rather summarize it as a whole. Racing Games have been out there for decades, both on arcades and home consoles. The only difference between them were that the arcade had a wheel, while home consoles only came with joysticks or controllers. People had played them in both forms from whatever was available for them, but admit it, steering wheels were more fun and engaging. Decades later, the wheels were introduced to consoles as extras. They came with a wheel with some buttons and pedals which only had acceleration and brake. Wheels those days were just simple accelerate, brake, left and right where the turns were just instantaneous like pressing buttons or D-pad. Simple, BUT fun.

Game changing technology introduced

    Early times passed, moving forward to around the start of 21st century, things changed. Force feedback was introduced in gaming wheels like on the joysticks. Remember the PS1 DualShock controller rumbling in your hands? It was a game changer when it was introduced. People were more engaged in the games when the controller provided vibration feedback based on the onscreen actions taking place in the game (if the game supports it). Same goes for the force feedback wheels, they applied force on the wheels making you feel what's going on inside the game simulating a real life driving experiences. The very first known wheel with force feedback was Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Wheel.

Gaming Wheels Today

    Years passed, development on the wheels increased, force feedback strength was increased making the wheels more realistic rather than just a toy. On the other hand, stick shift gears, paddle shift gears and clutch were introduced making gamers feel even more engaged in the game where hands were turning wheel and changing gears while your feet switching between pedals. Not only gears, but now handbrakes and motion simulator seats and rigs are also available with many mods for gamers needs and feelings. There are many bundle packs and addons available to buy and use. The latest dual clutch technology in cars is also available with the gaming wheels these days. Everything has just become so realistic that even racers practice on simulators using the very same wheels available in the market for us. Now, you will notice many discussions online regarding the types of wheels, motors, gears, pedals, handbrakes and much more on things inside them, but we'll discuss deeper specifically on them later in other blogs.

Important of GAMIMG WHEELS compared to JOYSTICKS

    At this moment you'll be thinking FINALLY! After reading so long on the backstory, we've reached at the purpose of of opening this blog at last, to know the true purpose of "GAMING WHEELs."

    Wasn't all that already stated above? ...NO, there's more.

    Here, I'll be listing all the purpose of having a wheel with more description. Let's see below.

  • Explore and experience new ways of playing
  • Be more engaged to the actions happening in the game - feel
  • More control with racing wheel - accuracy precision
  • Feel and use what you can't buy in real life - licensedwheel car


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