The Finest Coffees to Enjoy with the Delighted Pastries

 Pairing the Best Coffees and Cakes

    Just like salt and pepper, Coffees and Cakes always go well together. But, which coffee is better for which cake? Not all coffees are great with every cakes. How do we know which one is suitable for each kind of pastry? Find it out right below.

Basic Human Needs

    Before we start pairing our pastries with coffees, we need to know the basic human needs on food. When we eat something bitter, we tend to look for something sweet to make our tongue and mouth feel better. On the other hand, when we eat something sugary, we sip something bitter to relieve our taste sense in the tongue. Humans need balance in life in everything, including food taste. That is why we need to choose wisely between coffees and cakes for the best taste outcomes.

Types of Coffees

Black Coffees ☕

    The first type of coffee is Black coffee without milk. Pure black coffees without sugar can come in 2 forms, either drip or normal black coffee. Both are without milk and give you the pure taste of coffee where the drip coffee filters out oils. Both types have bitter taste and thin in feel, so they're best for cakes with thick texture with sweet to sugary taste like the ones with extra cream and butter. Here are some list below of coffees and cakes that go well together.

  • Drip coffee
  • Espresso
  • Doppio
  • Americano
  • Butter cake
  • Cream cake
  • Angel food cake
  • Red velvet cake
  • Pound cake
  • Genoise cake
  • Crepe cakes
  • Creme Brule
  • Chocolate Croissant

🥛 Milk Coffees ☕

    For the second type of coffee is the ones with milk. Milk coffees have thick and rich texture for you to enjoy the taste of coffee in a smoother way. Either in the form of heavy cream, plain milk or foam milk, all are very enjoyable. As for this kind of coffee the cakes to go along with should be less creamy and sugary. Fruit cakes or cheesecakes might be better. The best may be other pastries that aren't too sugary. Here are some list below of coffees and cakes that go well together.

  • Cappucino
  • Latte
  • Cortado
  • Flat white
  • Macchiato
  • Mocha
  • Affogato
  • Dalgona
  • Dirty coffee
  • Fruit cakes
  • Chiffon cake
  • Fruit tart (Apple, Lemon)
  • Danish
  • Croissant
  • Cinnamon roll
  • Cheesecake
  • Black forest
  • Pie (Apple, Lemon, Blueberry)
  • Tiramisu
  • Macaron
  • Cookies

❓ Does it Always Matter? ❓

    You might have read a lot above that one coffee is better with another pastry due to their specific tastes and balance, but at the end of the day it all depends on one's personal preferences. So, these are just suggestions and not the golden rule. Best way to know your own likes is to try by yourself.

Eat - Drink - Experiment


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