The Best Multi Pinkverse Café of Phuket Town - Pim's Bistro & Bakery

Each SPACE for Your Each MOOD of Coffee & Cakes

    Ever think of going to a café with an amazing atmosphere, eating cakes, drinking coffees and enjoying your delighted meals? Of course, many would have thought. But have you ever thought of savoring your meals in a café with multiple astonishing atmospheres and uncountable menus that keep increasing, where you would never get bored visiting? You may have thought, but never found one. Today we'll be looking at Pim's Bistro & Bakery, the cute café in pink multiverse for ☕coffee and pastry lovers. 🎂🥖🍞

    Established in 2009, Pim's Bistro and Bakery has been serving a wide variety of foods and beverages in their lovely atmosphere. Located on the Kwang road in Phuket Town the café is well known by many locals. Let's look at what makes them catch everyone's eyes.

Click 👉HERE👈 for location on Google maps.

Atmosphere & Decorations

    Starting with the exterior seating on the first floor, it's in a dark brown to black tone color with some shades, also used as smoking area. The interior on the first floor has a simple café look in creamy-brown color with wooden textures. As for the iconic second floor, there are all shades of Pink everywhere you turn including the air conditioner. 🤣 Might as well call this floor "The Fifty Shades of Pink."  There are many toy models and superhero figures and pictures decorated for you to take photos with while enjoying your meal. Whatever your mood is, there's a spot for it here. What are you waiting for? Dive into the pink multiverse today.

Interior Both Floors

Interior First Floor

Interior Second Floor

Exterior First Floor - Smoking area

Pastries & Desserts

    Coming to the first main part to satisfy your hunger, the pastries. There are all sorts of pastries available here. Multiple types of cakes, tarts, eclairs, croissants cookies, and many more available in a wide variety of flavors. There's also ice cream to go along with your cakes and waffles. Pastries for festivals are also available. Not only the looks that are mouth watering, but also the taste and texture. I don't know what else to say, just let the pictures explain themselves.


    Moving on to the second part to satisfy your hunger, the drinks. Either you love to sip or to gulp, there's all kinds of drinks for your needs. From cows to plants, and beans to leaves everything is here. Let's see some below.

    Starting with the gentle and soft drinks for non-bitter drinkers.
  • Coconut Latte - sweet coconut juice with light coffee taste.
  • Dalgona Coffee - fluffy coffee on top with milk below.
  • Earlgrey Rose Tea Latte - taste the smooth tea and coffee with the wonderful fragrance of roses
  • Cold Brew Tea - calm the heat within with the cold brew tea

    A step up with beans to the trending Dirty Coffee. Feel the rich coffee on top followed by a pool of cold milk below.

    Like the simplicity? Try out the Coffee Drip where you can feel the pure taste of hot coffee.

Sometimes it's too hot outside. Why not try some refreshments like the cold Pure Coconut Juice. No flavors and colors additives, just 100% coconut. 🥥


    Reaching the final part for hunger, the main courses. Pim's Bistro and Bakery also has a wide variety of cuisine. Taste the assortments of flavors in all the menus. Let's find out some of their food available.

    On the light menus, here are some special salads to choose from. Feel the taste of Japan from the salad with big shrimps, ebiko roe and wasabi sauce.🦐 Try the simple ceasar salad with grilled 🐔chicken or 🐟salmon.

    On the other light menus are spaghettis. The simple Chicken spaghetti with Tomato sauce suitable for kids. Feel the spicy taste of fusion with Gourami fish and Kaffir lime spaghetti.

    For the latest side dish menu is the Korean Fried Chicken where you can feel the spices of Korea with easy fried snacks. 🐤🐓

    That's not all. This is just some of it, there's much more for you to try. If you've enjoyed reading this and starting to feel hungry then contact Pim's Bistro and Bakery through this FACEBOOK LINK now. If you want to know which coffees are great with each kind of cakes, then follow on through this BLOG LINK. I'm hungry seeing all these, so that's all for now. See you in next blog. 



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